Image processing is key to successful astrophotography. Just as you need the right tools for taking pictures, such as a good telescope and camera, the same is true with processing. I use PixInsight, which is brilliant but difficult to learn. Could it be a good option for you?

A complete package
Back in the day I used DeepSkyStacker and Photoshop for my astro editing. This combination worked ok, but then a friend suggested I check out PixInsight. I’d heard that it was difficult to learn, but decided to give it a go. I’m certainly glad I did.
PixInsight offers a complete package for editing your astrophotos. Its core approach could be described as methodical and mathematical. This is aptly demonstrated by SubframeSelector, one of the first functions used in a processing project. SubframeSelector analyses the subframes you’ve taken and grades them based on criteria you select, such as star sharpness (FWHM measurements) or number of stars visible. In this way you can actually graph the quality of your data, and be sure only the best goes into your stack – much more reliable than making estimates by eye.

PixInsight has yet more excellent pre-processing steps, with its new NormalizeScaleGradient being worthy of particular praise. This is very effective for removing gradients from your images, meaning that, for example, a new lease of life is given to subframes shot under heavy moonlight, and is key to #6 in my list of controversial opinions.
Once you have an integrated image, you can begin your processing the PixInsight way: slow and steady, one step at a time. There are so many functions available to edit your photos that it’s dizzying, but my advice to newcomers is not to be put off. Most functions work very well using their default options, and you can produce stunning images in around a dozen or so steps. Thought of like that, it becomes much more manageable. You could spend a lifetime mastering PixInsight’s intricacies, but you certainly don’t need to.
Although every feature you need is available within PixInsight, it’s possible to incorporate other software packages into your workflow to utilise their best aspects. For example, I like to use Adobe Photoshop’s clone function, which I find better than PixInsight’s equivalent. I also often use Topaz DeNoise AI for noise reduction, and Adobe Lightroom for final tweaks. The process of using other pieces of software is a little clunky though: save your PixInsight work-in-progress as a standalone image file, probably TIFF, then import into whatever other software you’re using, essentially treating it as a new image. When you’re done, save it again and reimport into PixInsight. Not exactly efficient, but it does work. Check out my Example Processing Workflow for more about this.

Steep learning curve
The main criticism that can be levelled at PixInsight is that it’s undeniably difficult for new users to get a grasp of. The initial learning curve is very steep, and at first it’s a real scramble getting to grips with the basics just so you can produce a pleasing image. The reference documentation is intimidating to say the least, aimed more at those that want detailed technical information than casual users. PixInsight is also regularly updated, which overall is good, but does mean that online tutorials are often out of date.

The good news is that if you can stick with that steep climb, the view at the top is worth it! With the basics under your belt, the real power of PixInsight becomes evident. Each time you process an image you learn a little more, and it’s rewarding to reprocess old data using new skills, producing ever-better end results.

Any other downsides? Well, there’s the price, with a licence costing just shy of £200. That’s more expensive that other options, but it’s still cheap compared to most aspects of this hobby!
Also, a powerful computer is needed to make the most of PixInsight, especially if you want intensive processes like integrating to complete in a timely fashion. I have 48GB of RAM and it still takes several hours to integrate. Then again, I shoot a lot of subs…
Is PixInsight the best processing software?
The slightly unsatisfying answer is that is might be, if it’s a good match for you. There’s a lot of software out there you can use to process your images, and they’re all capable of brilliant results. It comes down to what “clicks” with you. I really like the data-driven approach of PixInsight. It encourages me to think critically about the quality of my data and how far I can push it. But I must admit I have a lot of fun when I get to the stage of pinging an image into Lightroom to tweak the settings there. (I’m a professional photographer, and use Lightroom a lot!)
My recommendation is to download the free trial of PixInsight and give it a good go. Clear your diary for a day or so if possible, and really try to getting to grips with it. You might fall in love with it; or not, and that’s OK as there are plenty more astro-processing fish in the sea!
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