Hercules Globular Cluster (M13)


A collection of 100,000 stars, packed together 100 times more densely than the stars in our Sun’s stellar neighbourhood.


After my epic 100-hour Pinwheel Galaxy project, I was keen for something a bit more manageable! M13 was well-positioned in the sky, and being a globular cluster its lack of faint nebulosity means it holds up well with shorter integration times. I collected about 11 hours, and then used PixInsight‘s SubframeSelector tool to whittle this down to the best eight.

Mid-to-long focal length telescopes with decent aperture are really useful for resolving the individual stars in globulars. Below is a comparison of a previous attempt I made at imaging M13 using my Askar FRA400, compared to this latest version made with my Askar 130PHQ. It’s not really a fair test, as the FRA400 is an extreme crop, and also I processed it before I had NoiseXTerminator and BlurXTerminator, but I still think it’s interesting to compare the two side-by-side. Note that the FRA400 has 16 hours of data compared to the 130PHQ’s eight, which I think makes the latest version all the more impressive.

Askar FRA400 is on the left, Askar 130PHQ is on the right.

Imaging details

Date22 June to 8 July 2023 to (2 weeks)
LocationBristol, UK (Bortle 8)
TelescopeAskar 130PHQ Flatfield Astrograph
CameraZWO ASI 2600MC-PRO
MountSky-Watcher EQ6-R PRO
GuideWilliam Optics 50mm Guidescope with 1.25″ RotoLockZWO ASI 120MM Mini
ControlASIAIR Plus
SoftwarePixInsight, Lightroom
Filters– No filter 240 x 120 seconds (8 hours)
Total exposure time8 hours
Image creditLee Pullen


The processing was fairly straight-forward too, especially compared to the tricky faint targets I usually go for. BlurXTerminator was useful, and I set it to increase the star halos to 0.4, making the individual stars glow, which I think is a nice effect.

See below for a full processing video.

Source data

Previous version

I first imaged M13 back in March 2022, using my wide-field Askar FRA400 telescope.

* March to April 2022
* Bristol, UK (Bortle 8)
* Telescope: Askar FRA400 f/5.6 Quintuplet APO Astrograph
* Camera: ZWO ASI 2600MC-PRO
* Filter: none
* Mount: Orion Sirius EQ-G
* Guide: William Optics 32mm; ZWO ASI 120MM Mini
* Control: ASIAIR Plus, ZWO EAF
* Software: PixInsight, Lightroom
* 480 x 120 seconds

Total integration time: 16 hours

By Lee Pullen

Seestar S50

Seestar S50 image to be added later…

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