I’m getting a lot of requests through for processing walkthroughs, so here’s a simple one to begin with: regular RGB data taken using an OSC camera.

Steps covered:
- GraXpert (since making this video GraXpert is now available within PixInsight)
- IntegerResample
- ImageSolver and SPCC
- PSFImage and BlurXTerminator
- NoiseXTerminator
- GeneralizedHyperbolicStretch
- StarNet2
- CloneStamp
- CurvesTransformation
- ColorSaturation
- HistogramTransformation
- PixelMath (adding stars back into the starless image)
- CurvesTransformation
- ColorSaturation
- DynamicCrop
- IntegerResample (I forgot this in the video, but I Upsample x2 to increase the image’s resolution)
- Not covered in this video: a few simple final tweaks in Lightroom.

Spare a penny, guv’nor?