This tutorial will show an example workflow for an OSC camera, combining RGB with dualband Ha/OIII data (in this case Optolong L-Ultimate). The target is The Flaming Star Nebula.
Steps covered:
- IntegerResample
- FastRotation
- StarAlignment
- DynamicCrop
- GradientCorrection
- ImageSolver
- PSFImage
- BlurXTerminator
- EZSoftStretch
- StarNet2
- ScreenStars
- CurvesTransformation
- DarkStructureEnhance
- UnsharpMask
- NoiseXTerminator
- Split RGB Channels
- CombineRGBAndNarrowband
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while waiting for a “how to process narrowband images and bring out the blue” :), I’ve studied this. great video. always new things to learn from you.
many thanks!